Village News

REVISED Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda - August 20, 2018

A revised agenda is available for tonight's Board of Trustees meeting. Please note that the presentation from the Food Industry Alliance... more ››

Official Statement from the Croton Fire Department

Earlier this year, our Fire Council Audit Committee discovered some inconsistencies within our Council’s finances. Once we became aware of... more ››

Important Croton River Advisory

The Village has today been made aware of a substantial sewage spill consisting of approximately 57,000 total gallons of sewage.

Public Hearing Scheduled for August 20 - Smoking/Vaping Ban in Village Parks

 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a resolution has been adopted by the Board of... more ››

Heat Wave Continues - Con Edison Provides Tips

...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING... * HEAT INDEX VALUES...In the mid to upper 90s. * TIMING...This afternoon... more ››

Reminder: Idling of Vehicles is Against the Law

A reminder that Westchester County has enacted an Anti-Idling Law to prohibit the idling of vehicles for more than three consecutive... more ››

Summer Concert Moved Indoors – August 3, 2018

Tonight’s summer concert will be moved indoors to the Croton-Harmon High School auditorium.2U – U2 Tribute Band... more ››

Family Entertainment/Movie - August 2, 2018

Due to the forecasted inclement weather, tonight’s Family Entertainment will be indoors at the Carrie E. Tompkins Elementary School... more ››

Praesent ultrices nunc nulla, nec sagittis neque pretium sit amet

Praesent ultrices nunc nulla, nec sagittis neque pretium sit amet

Quisque porttitor sodales massa nec hendrerit. Praesent ultrices nunc nulla, nec sagittis neque pretium sit amet. Aliquam sagittis lorem... more ››

Aliquam sagittis lorem augue, in suscipit ante gravida a.

Aliquam sagittis lorem augue, in suscipit ante gravida a.

Quisque porttitor sodales massa nec hendrerit. Praesent ultrices nunc nulla, nec sagittis neque pretium sit amet. Aliquam sagittis lorem... more ››

Ut blandit pretium enim

Ut blandit pretium enim

Quisque porttitor sodales massa nec hendrerit. Praesent ultrices nunc nulla, nec sagittis neque pretium sit amet. Aliquam sagittis lorem... more ››
