Update from Croton-Harmon Schools

This email is being shared by the Village as it represents an issue of potentially broad interest to the community.
Dear Croton-Harmon Community,
We hope you have all been having a wonderful summer, and that you have found opportunities to recharge, spend time with loved ones, and make new memories.
For our Tiger Team, summer is a time to rest and reflect, but also to continue to advance our vision to ensure that Croton-Harmon Schools represent what school can be - through summer enrichment activities for students, beginning the work of the Future Facilities Capital Project, and coordinating technology and communications enhancements.
This edition of Croton Connections will show you some of the amazing work our students have done throughout July and August, whether at camp or one of our summer programs. We also have exciting updates to share on the status of our Future Facilities Capital Project and Energy Performance Contract endeavors.
So that you have regular access to information about our schools, we are updating and enhancing two of our communications platforms. These updates include introducing the Parent Square platform and reenvisioning the district’s website. These changes are based on your feedback and are part of our ongoing commitment to continually strengthening our partnership.
We are thrilled to be preparing to welcome the best faculty and staff anywhere back for Superintendent’s Conference Day on August 30, and our Tiger students on September 5. Until then, we hope these updates and stories will get you up to speed and excited for the coming school year!
Read the Croton Connections Digital Newsletter here: 