Community Conversation on Equity and Inclusion in our Schools

October 28, 2020
Community Conversation on Equity and Inclusion in our Schools

This email is being shared by the Village as it represents an issue of potentially broad interest to the community.

We invite you to a district-led event, Community Conversation on Equity and Inclusion in our Schools, taking place virtually on Wednesday, October 28th at 7:30 PM (login details below). This will be an opportunity for all of us in Croton-Harmon to gather, listen to and learn from the experiences of others. To help guide us on this critical endeavor, the district has engaged The Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools out of the NYU Steinhardt School. Led by Natalie Zwerger, the NYU Metro Center partners with public school districts, including several in Westchester County, and we are working with them on long-term planning to promote equity in curricula and administrative practices and to set specific goals for our schools.

While the focus of this discussion will be about equity and inclusion specifically in our schools, we welcome all community members to attend. Ms. Zwerger will facilitate a dialogue that looks at a broad definition of inclusion comprising those who are different races, ethnicities and religions, with disabilities, who identify as LGBTQIA+ and those from different economic classes. The issues raised will be the springboard for the work of a stakeholder team that will be formed shortly after the event.

Diversity, inclusivity and social justice have long been hallmarks of the Croton-Harmon Union Free School District mission and this event is one component of a multi-year initiative.

Log-in Information:

MEETING ID: Meeting ID: 927 3920 8241
ONE TAP MOBILE: +16465588656,,92739208241# US (New York)
DIAL IN: +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)