Conservation Corner - August 2023

A Monthly Column from the Conservation Advisory Council
leaf blower

In 2022, the Village of Croton-on-Hudson instituted a seasonal ban on gas-powered leaf blowers during the summer and winter months. Gas-powered leaf blowers are known to negatively impact air and soil quality, as well as generate significant noise pollution. The American Lung Association recommends electric leaf blowers over gas-powered ones because “old two-stroke engines like leaf blowers often have no pollution control devices. They can pollute the air even more than cars.” As the roar of the gas powered machines is being replaced by the lower whine of electric leaf blowers, the Conservation Advisory Council would like residents to know that there are a number of ways you can manage your leaves AND help the environment. 

Among the choices are mulching and composting leaves and other yard debris, and—while it may seem a radical idea—leaves can be left on the ground, where they provide nutrients to beneficial insects and microbes. Suggestions can be found at the website of the organization Healthy Yards, a group of gardening and landscaping experts in Westchester County. For other environmentally friendly advice, see “Ten simple choices for a healthy planet,” published by the National Ocean Service. Finally, the Croton Conservation Advisory Council has a dedicated Resource Page with information related to Sustainable Planting/Gardening. It’s our planet, only we can save it!

The Croton Conservation Advisory Council meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM in the small meeting room in the Municipal Building. All meetings are open to the public.